Sunday Worship Service
January 19, 2025


OUR PHOTO DIRECTORIES ARE IN! They will be available for pick up at the office during office hours. The cost is $15 each. If you can’t remember if you ordered a printed one or not, please call the church office, we have a list of all who ordered. To access the directory online you can go to the website or you can download the app (Instant Church Directory) from your device’s app store. It will ask you for the email address you have listed in the directory. Then you create a password and that’s it! If you need help with this, or if you are wondering if your email address is listed in the directory you can stop in the office or call anytime, and Melanie can help you. 

9:00-10:00 AM Worship
10:00 AM Skylight Court Café-    Coffee Hour
10:30 AM Broadcast of our Worship Service on KDOM
 5:30 PM Chapel Worship Service
5:00 PM-6:15 PM Supper
5:30 PM Wednesday School
6:30 PM Worship
7:30 PM Confirmation
Tuesday, February 11th 6:30pm- ALL BOARD RELAUNCH 
Tuesday, February 4th @5:15pm –
Church in Society Bd
Tuesday, February 11th
2pm – Altar Guild
5:30pm – Youth & Family Bd
7pm – Budget & Finance, Discipleship, Marketing & Stewardship Bd, Christian Ed, Properties, Spiritual Life & Fellowship, Worship & Music
8pm – Church Council
JANUARY Worship Schedule
Saturday, January 4th–
5:30pm Worship
Sunday, January 5th–
2nd Sunday after Christmas
9am Worship w/Holy Communion 
Wednesday, January 8th–
6:30pm Worship w/Holy Communion & Noisy Offering
Saturday, January 11th–
5;30pm Worship  w/Holy Communion & Noisy Offering
Sunday, January 12th–
Baptism of our Lord
9am Worship w/Noisy offering
Wednesday, January 15th–
6:30pm Worship
Saturday, January 18th–
5:30pm Chapel Worship w/Holy Communion 
Sunday, January 19th–
9am Worship 
Wednesday, January 22nd–
6:30pm Worship w/Holy Communion
Saturday, January 25th–
5:30pm Chapel Worship 
Sunday, January 26th–
9am Worship w/Holy Communion
Wednesday, January 29th–
6:30pm Worship
Wednesday Night Supper
January 8th- Tator tot hotdish, corn, Bread
January 15th-Creamy Chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots, bread
January 22nd– Beef stroganoff, egg noodles, green beans, bread 
January 29th -Walking Tacos, fruit cup
Our Vision:
People experiencing a life-giving relationship with God.
Our Mission:
Living God’s grace, we cultivate community to love and serve.
Our Values:
Relationships- God. Each other. Creation.
Belonging- Affirmed. Included. Valued. 
Faith- Active. Inquiring. Hopeful.
Monday – Friday:
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM &
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Saturdays & Sundays: Closed

Tune in to our Worship Broadcasts on

Sunday at 10:30 AM on KDOM 103.1 FM

Watch our Worship 

Thursdays at 10:00 AM & 6:30 PM on Local Cable Channel 22.

Suicide Prevention

If you are struggling with depression and thoughts of suicide please reach out to one of us pastors and/or call one of the following numbers: Pastor Adam Roberts or Pastor Sarah Tade (507)831-1794

Call or text 988 or visit to chat with someone.

ALC Prayer Chain
All prayer chain requests are handled through the church office. To activate a prayer request please call the church office at 831-1794 or an email may be sent to If you are not part of the ALC Prayer Chain and would like to be, please send your email address and request to the email address above.
Sunday/Wednesday School
Sundays from 10:15AM-11:00AM and Wednesdays from 5:30PM-6:15PM for Nursery Students (3 years-old)-6th Grade. Please contact Tera Elness, or 822-3377 if you have any questions or would like to get your child(ren) registered.
Living God’s Grace,
We Cultivate Community
to Love and Serve!